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" No matter who you are or where you are in life's journey
you are welcome here!"
There are a myriad of opportunities at Faith to help create, celebrate, and make a Joy filled noise! Here is a brief listing: Sunday School –Sunday School is held the first Sunday of each month during the 10:00 AM service. This program will serve children ages 3-13, providing engaging, age-appropriate lessons to help them build a strong foundation in faith.
Prayer Circle –Keeps a daily prayer list of folks as requested. Prayer requests from anyone are honored. - Contact Karen Herb at (570)956-8370
Sr. Choir –Senior Choir practices at 9:00 AM Sunday morning before worship. The choir leads singing and delivers an anthem at the 10:00 AM service from September to
Ahlzeimers Walk –All money raised is donated to Ahlzeimers with Our Walk being held 3rd week in September
Lucky Number Project –Tickets sold twice a year, based on the evening Lottery$. 10 per ticket which is good for three months
Altar Committee –Cares for altar area and prepares communion
Women's Grief Support Group/Widows Web –Meets monthly 2nd Wed 12:30-2
Confirmation Class –Confirmation Class is provided for youth 6th grade and older.
Faith Quilters –Making quilt for our Faith Fest Quilt Raffle TIcket
Fundraising Committee –Meets as needed to plan
Rummage sales in May & October
Holiday Bazaar in 2nd Saturday in November
AA –Meets Every Thursday 6:30 pm
Consistory –Meets the 3rd Sunday of the month. Nine elected people plus Pastor, who organize and lead the church. Committee Work: Christian Education, Property, Worship, Staff & Personnel, Communications, Outreach, Safety
Faith Gardeners/Grass cutters/Snow blowers –Care and Feeding of our gardens as needed
Worship Workers –People needed weekly for various positions including…
Pastoral Services–
Pastoral Care Team –Delivers Communion two times a year.